
May 19, 2012

Mother Russia - here I come!

In exactly a week, I am flying to Russia!!!

Surely, it’s a great opportunity to introduce you to the country I was born and grew up in. I cannot promise you anything fancy. I am not going to see a ballet at the Bolshoi Theater, dine at high-end restaurants, or do any sightseeing this time. I am only going to be in Moscow for less than a day before taking a 9-hour train to my home town - whose name does not really matter as it’s one of the many mid-size towns scattered all around this massive country, the biggest one in the world.

But I can promise you daily posts about the Russian reality - simple things people do, most common food they eat, places they live in and spend time at... Starting on the evening of May 28th, Moscow time, when I get to the computer with Internet, I am going to share the highlights of each day on Universal Mixer.

Hope you come along on a trip to Russia with me and enjoy it!

Do svidaniya!

P.S. To view the full collection of blog entries from Russia, click on the Russia label below. 


  1. Cant wait to hear from your trip! More details the better!!!! Have a safe travels dorogaya!

  2. How exciting! I will be reading for sure!


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