
Oct 14, 2012

Universal Democracy, or Please Vote for Me

"Vote for me." Ah, yes, this is the message shoved down our throats every four years (or maybe it is, "don't vote for that person"). The US has always had a representative democracy, which is the cornerstone of this constitutional federal republic. I know people complain about politics and elections get nasty, but there is still something special and exciting about democracy in this country. Maybe I romanticize the right and power to vote; however, I still feel the sentiments of "no taxation without representation" when we head to the polls.

But what about the rest of the world? Is the notion of democracy and having a voice in the public only inherent in countries like the US, where democracy has deep roots? "Please Vote for Me" is a documentary that explores this question. This film follows three elementary school children in China as they attempt to win the prestigious post of class monitor. Although the Chinese are not renown for their democratic tendencies, this movie captures the true innateness of democracy in us all. The campaign tactics employed by these youngsters - fear, bribery, defamation, heroism, and placation - would impress even our own politicians.

Check out this documentary if you are into social behaviorism, international phenomena, politics, realty tv-esque drama, or just a few great laughs (there are plenty here).

Let me know what you think!

Watch: Netflix Instant Play 

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