
Jul 8, 2013

The Jewel of the Swiss Alps

My husband and I just returned from a lovely vacation in Switzerland. We had such a great time in Bernese Oberland, Basel, Zurich, and some other towns and villages we visited, with many pleasant surprises and unexpected discoveries along the way.

As there is a lot to write about, I am going to start with my favorite place of all - Oeschinensee as the Swiss call it.

Yes, it really looks like this!

The glacier Oeschinen lake is out of this world.

Going to a glacier lake in the Alps was the focal point of the trip for me. When we finally arrived at Oeschinensee, I felt like we got transported from this world to pages of an adventure book. Lake Oeschinen is surreal.

I kept repeating to my husband, "I feel like we are not in the Alps, nor we are in Switzerland or this planet. This place looks incredible! It's stunning!"

Our chalet at Oeschinensee was right on the lake and had a five-star view of the magnificent setting right from our bedroom windows.

The view from our chalet windows

It's hard to believe but this is what we saw one day after the rain. The chalet owner told us that it happens maybe once in ten years!

Full rainbow after the rain (picture from our bedroom windows)

From high above where we hiked, Lake Oeschinen looked like a precious jewel crowned by the rocks -

the lazur lake gripped by massive mountains with white peaks, swift waterfalls running down the cliffs, and of course the big and small rocks of any possible tone of grey - from almost white to nearly black.

There is something intriguing, almost mysterious about this mountain lake. Maybe it's the teal color of the mineralized water, or the aged, wrinkly cliffs looking down at their reflection, or the low clouds sitting on the slopes of the mountains.

I said to my husband, "The hazy look of this place makes me wonder if maybe I imagined this all and it exists only in some fairytale." He felt the same way.

We took out a row boat one day - a great alternative to swimming - because you are right in the middle of all that water. I really wanted to swim in the lake but it was still a bit too cold.

It is the most incredible place, the most beautiful lake in Switzerland. It was so hard to leave it and say good-bye.

Oeschinensee was the last major stop on our two-week itinerary before we returned back to Zurich to fly home. In the near future, you can expect to see individual posts on Basel, Lucern, Thun, hiking in Murren, and Zurich. We came back with many impressions and too many pictures so it will take some time to process all that. I will take it one place or story at a time. Check back again soon or use the Subscribe button on the right to sign up to follow my blog and receive email updates every time a new post is up. Hope you enjoy these short stories with long photo galleries, with each picture worth a thousand words!


  1. Holy crap that is sooooo stunning. I really want to go myself!

  2. Olga, this pictures of the lake are amazing, stunning. The colors from the Lake, Mountains, cloud, the sky are so saturated! I never been to this lake but had a opportunity to spend some time in Bern and Zurich and see things in between these two cities on the road. Indeed the colors in this country are amazing, surreal, when you look at the mountains -the colors and magnificent of it leaves the person just speechless and let's one forget everything in the world.
    But this lake is something and then the rainbow!!! Olga its so amazing! I can't wait to read more of your and Andrew's adventures in the fairytale country!


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