
Feb 18, 2012

Food Rules - a small book with a big message

Like the vast majority of people, I am an extremely visual person; and so when I noticed the colorful cover of the tiny cute book at the airport bookstore, I was immediately curious to open it up and see what’s inside. The title of Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual attracted me also because of one of my New Year resolutions - to start eating healthier this year. Luckily, I had plenty of time before my flight, so I sat down at the bookstore coffee shop and started flipping through the pages.

It was a very fun read. To complement the striking words of wisdom from Michael Pollan on how to maintain a healthy diet, Food Rules has adorable illustrations created by Maira Kalman. Here you can see some of the pictures and listen to Maira’s commentary about working on this book: 

The point of Michael’s book is absolutely brilliant - “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” It teaches you everything from how to shop for your produce and ingredients in the store to creating an appetizing and healthy dining atmosphere at your home. One of the fundamental ideas here is to cook and dine like the healthiest nations, who for centuries have been growing and using fresh ingredients to prepare wholesome meals and pausing to enjoy the taste and flavors of homemade food in the company of family and friends. Think Italy, Spain, Turkey  - the Mediterranean food would be a perfect example of how we all should eat.  

Some of my favorite healthy eating tips were such simple things as having a bouquet of flowers on your table, switching to smaller plates and cups, and following your grandma’s approach to selecting the right food. Michael writes: “Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” It’s true that we need to cut down on the amount of processed and packaged food and start eating real food a more traditional way.

On his website, Michael lists his favorite new rules

Food Rules is clever, funny, and peculiar at the same time. If you want to switch to better eating habits, I suggest you check out the Eater’s Manual and follow these simple and true food rules. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so inspiring. We definitely need to switch to old style cooking/eating. I like Great-Grandma's rule- it's very helpful:)


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