
May 29, 2012

Metro People

If you enjoyed my previous blog entry about the Moscow Metro, here is a continuation of my story about the Metro and people that ride it.

As gorgeous as the Moscow Metro is, it might be just as fascinating to take a closer look at the people on the Metro. They rush and wait, talk and sleep. And the atmosphere on the Metro changes throughout the day with the dynamics of people's life.

See the photo report from my Metro ride in Moscow. The photos mostly speak for themselves, but I provided brief commentaries under each picture. Feel free to comment or ask questions.
Okhotny Ryad Station entrance, right next to the Kremlin in the heart of Moscow
People sitting in the metro car
Somehow people can always tell when I take their photos, even babies :)

Crowds rushing in and out of the train
This is on a Sunday afternoon (!)

The police guarding the Kievskaya Station
They always walk in small groups like this and check people's passports

Passangers are waiting for a train
or should I call it "Three generations of women"
The Russian Stare
I don't know what's more funny here - the ladies or the guy sleeping in middle
Riding the looooong escalator
Passing by
I also found this cool 2-minute video about one day in the life of the Moscow Metro.

For more photos from my Metro trip this summer, click here or read my Moscow Metro - The Underground Palace entry.


  1. OMG. I had to think of my life back to Moscow! Every day I had hour and half ride to to my sports center, where I was playing tennis (I was competitive player) and hour and half back! Trains look the same! Everything is so familiar! I see one difference though, back then EVERYBODY was holding in their hands something to read. Me and other kids were reading comics books, that was big thing back that time. Olga thanks a lot for posting the picures of people riding the metro! Very interesting!

  2. Thanks Anna for your note! Although I didn't notice a lot of people reading on the metro this time, I did see a teenage girl holding an e-reader. I think people usually read when they commute to work, maybe that's the reason... And I was there on Sunday... That's a nice observation though!


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